Hi all!
Sorry for the delay in posts but a fair bit has been happening in my life. Left my wife of 20 years and feel better than I ever have. I've been lucky enough to secure a nice unit in Central Newcastle and move in on the 3rd Feb. I viewed about 15 places and was lucky enough to get this one.......there were another 30 or 40 people looking at the same unit so lucky me!
Wifey isn't happy I've flown the coup but stiff shit! you only get one life and I plan to make the most of it.
Weight wise im on fire down to 96kgs which I am real pleased with - work is going well and I have a special person back in my life after 25 years so "Life is Good"
Hope all is well in your Universe and have a happy Australia Day - if you are Aussie of course.
Reggie Boy xxxxxxx
Well I can understand the house/unit hunting. Things are pretty bloody tight in the rental market everywhere in Oz atm.
One of the reasons I'm glad we're not having to move again soon.
Wow! Into the double figures now eh?! That's fantastic! Woooo! ;o)
Happy Australia Day Reggie! Don't over do it!
Happy Australia Day to you too, Reggie. It sounds like things are all swinging into place... new place, getting out there etc. Have fun.. you sound like you already are.
PS Congrats on your new weight. You're rocking that band!!
Cara x
curious about the marriage breakup....was it weight loss related? ;-)
No not weight lose related - been in the pipeline for a long time.
Reggie, I'm glad you are free and happy.
Keep going on the kilo shedding. You are nearly there!
Happy Aussie Day!
Big hugs and a crotch polish,
Love the crotch polish very niiiiice thanks Kitty ;)
xxxx Reggie
Happy Aussie Day to you to Reggie. Glad to hear that you found somewhere to live in Newie and that things are going well for you. The break is the hardest, but you need to do what you need to do to be happy...We DO only have one life to live....
Hey Reggie! Thanks for the visit to my blog! Sounds like your life is just going gr8 guns at the moment. 40kgs down is awesome, and that 2 digit milestone as well!
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