Hi all,
I have been away for work a bit recently and had alot going on in my personal life so haven't had time to do any blog updates. But now that I'm home and won't be going anywhere for work until the New Year (with one exception a trip to Narrabri/Gunnedah for a couple of days) I will be looking to post at least weekly.
This blog is an important part in the weight loss process and helps me to keep track of how I am going. Plus I really enjoy reading your comments and encouragement!
On the weight loss mission I haven't lost anything much in the last couple of weeks unfortunately - with being away from home I have been thrown out of my usual eating routine - and eaten foods I normally wouldn't have - and in larger than normal quantities. It might be time for another 1ml in the band, which will bring me up to 4.5 / 10 ml. I have an appointment with the dietician and fill guy on Tuesday next week so will be pushing for a bit more fill.
Positives of late are that there have been so many people that I haven't seen in ages noticing the 30 odd kg's I've lost which is great. I am still learning how deal with these nice comments and find myself trying to change the subject ..... I really need to learn how to deal with these comments better, because they are being given to me by people who care and are genuinely pleased to see me making the change. Most of the people ask me what I've been doing and my response to most is that I've been cutting down food intake and exercising...... which is true - but only part of the story!
Some of my closer friends know about the band - with a couple even spending time with me getting the low down on all my experiences to date, with the view to getting this procedure themselves. I am becoming such an advocate these days for the band, that if people are genuinely interested and seek out my input I will go out of my way to give them as much info on my experience so far as possible. The information is always given with the overiding message that I can only comment from my experience and what has happened to me might not necessarily happen for them, or might not happen at the same rate I have been fortunate enough to drop the first part of the weight I want to lose.
My family life is settling down I hope finally working out with the Daughter - I hope I haven't jinxed us again because last time I said things were looking good they all turned to shit!!! But I can only be hopeful.
The house hunting still continues and there are a couple of house that look OK - so hopefully by next week I might have some more certaintity in that department.
Anyway time to get to bed I've got a big day on tomorrow and alot to catch up on that's built up over the last couple of weeks I've been away.
Hope everyone else is going OK?
Love Reggie xxxx